Intemodino Group s.r.o. ئاپەکان

Quadratic Inequality Solver 1.0.2
Quadratic Inequality Calculator is a handytool for solving linear inequalities and quadratic inequalities inone variable.Just enter a linear inequality or quadratic inequality using thecalculator keyboard and tap Solve.Features:Quadratic Inequality Calculator solves quadratic inequalities(second degree inequalities).Quadratic Inequality Calculator lets you solve one-step,two-step and multi-step linear inequalities (first degreeinequalities).Quadratic Inequality Calculator solves inequalities involvingfractions and parentheses (brackets).Quadratic Inequalities Calculator shows calculation details(steps).Quadratic Inequalities Calculator writes the solution as aninterval (interval notation).Quadratic Inequality Solver stores calculation history (25inequalities) with the possibility to recall and modify previousinequalities.Quadratic Inequality Solver sends the results of calculation andcalculation history via email.Note: Quadratic Inequalities Calculator does not solveinequalities with two variables and fractional inequalities(inequalities with a variable in the denominator).Requirements: Adobe AIR.
Fractions Pro
Fractions Pro is a powerful, easy to use and well designed fractioncalculator that lets you perform calculations with proper andimproper fractions, mixed numbers, decimals and integers. Features:• Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents(integer exponents, including negative integer exponents). •Calculations with parentheses (brackets), including nestedparentheses. • The results are displayed in both fractional anddecimal formats. Calculate fractions, decimal numbers, wholenumbers. • Rounding to specified number of decimal places: fordecimal numbers, you can select the number of decimal places youwant to display. By default, the app displays 2 decimal places. Toround results to the nearest whole number, select 0 decimal places.• For fractions, you can select rounding to the nearest 1/2, 1/4,1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256. By default, the app roundsfractions to the nearest 1/32. If you do not need to roundfractions, just select "-". • Calculation history (25 entries). •Back and forward buttons to check or recall recent calculations. •Sends calculation results and history via email. • 'Undo' for theClear command.
Quadratic equations calculator 2.0.3
An easy to use calculator that solvesquadratic equation problems.To solve a quadratic equation just enter the values of ‘a’, ‘b’ and‘c’, and click ‘Solve’.Features:Solves quadratic equations (second degree equations) with realand complex roots using the quadratic formula.Shows steps.Supports whole, fractional and decimal coefficients.Quadratic equation solver supports pre-defined formats forcomplete and incomplete quadratic equations.Solves quadratic equations in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, ax^2 +bx = 0 and ax^2 + c = 0.Calculation history.Requirements: Adobe AIR.
Compare fractions calculator 2.0.3
Features:Comparing fractions calculator compares fractions, includingproper and improper fractions, mixed numbers and integers.The fraction comparison calculator compares fractions with like andunlike denominators.You can use this calculator to compare two and threefractions.In case of comparing three fractions, the calculator arranges themin order from least to greatest.History tape lets you view and edit your recentcalculations.You can send results via email.Requirements: Adobe AIR.
Fraction calculator XL 2.0.2
Fraction calculator with steps to add,subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, whole and mixed numbers.Features:Fraction calculator for arithmetic operations with two, three,four, five, and six fractions: adding fractions, subtractingfractions, multiplying fractions, dividing fractions.Fractions calculator helps you solve problems with fractions(proper and improper fractions), mixed numbers (mixed fractions),and whole numbers.Addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions withlike and unlike denominators.Multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers.Finds the least common denominator.Fraction solver shows the details of calculation.History tape to view your recent calculations.Back and forward buttons to check or recall recentcalculations.Sends results and history via email.'Undo' for the Clear command.Requirements: Adobe AIR.
System of Equations Solver
The calculator solves systems of linear equations with two andthree variables. • System solver 2x2 Solves systems of two linearequations in two variables by substitution or using using Cramer'srule. • System solver 3x3 Solves systems of three linear equationsin three variables using Cramer's Rule. To solve 3x3 systems ofequations, you should select a landscape orientation. Features:Shows step-by-step solution. Supports integer, fractional anddecimal coefficients. Shows results as decimals and fractions.Stores history with the possibility to recall previous equations.Sends results and history via email. Supports both portrait andlandscape orientation.
System solver
An easy to use calculator for solving systems of n linear equationsin n variables. Calculator for solving systems of linear equations(2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 10x10 11x11). This calculator isintended for students, engineers and anyone who needs to solvesystems of linear equations with up to 11 unknowns. To solve asystem of linear equations, select the number of equations, type inthe coefficients of linear equations and tap Solve. Supportsintegers, fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. You may enterpositive, negative, or zero values. Shows results as decimals andfractions. Stores history with the possibility to recall previousequations. Sends results and history via email. Supports bothportrait and landscape orientation.
Unit Converter 12in1
A handy app to convert between US, imperial and metric units:LengthConverter, Area Converter, Time converter, Temperatureconverter,Weight Converter, Volume Converter, Speed Converter,PowerConverter, Pressure Converter, Energy Converter, FabricConverter,Fuel consumption converter. Length Converter Supportedlength units:• Inch • Foot • Yard • Mile • Mile (nautical) •Kilometer • Meter •Decimeter • Centimeter • Millimeter AreaConverter Supported areaunits: • Square Inch • Square Foot •Square Yard • Acre  •Square Mile • Square Millimeter • SquareCentimeter • SquareDecimeter • Square Meter • Hectare • SquareKilometer Time converterSupported time units: • Nanosecond •Microsecond • Millisecond •Second • Minute • Hour • Day • Week •Month • Year • Decade •Century Temperature converter Supportedtemperature units: • Celsius°C • Fahrenheit °F • Kelvin K WeightConverter Supported mass units:• Ounce (US) • Pound (US) • Stone •Short Ton (US) • Long Ton (UK) •Microgram • Milligram • Gram •Kilogram • Metric Ton VolumeConverter Supported volume units: USvolume units: • Barrel(petroleum) • Barrel (fluid) • Barrel (beer)• US liquid gallon • USliquid quart • US liquid pint • US cup • USgill • US fluid ounce •US tablespoon • US teaspoon • US fluid dram• Cubic foot • Cubicinch Imperial volume units: • Barrel(petroleum) • Barrel • Imperialgallon • Imperial quart • Imperialpint • Imperial cup • Imperialgill • Imperial fluid ounce •Imperial tablespoon • Imperialteaspoon • Imperial drachm • Cubicfoot • Cubic inch Metric volumeunits: • Сubic meter • Сubicdecimeter • Сubic centimeter • Сubicmillimeter • Liter • Deciliter• Centiliter • Milliliter SpeedConverter Supported speed units: •Miles per hour (mi/h or mph) •Miles per minute (mi/min) • Milesper second (mi/s) • Feet perminute (fpm or ft/min) • Feet persecond (fps or ft/s) • Inches persecond (ips) • Knots or nauticalmiles per hour (kn or kt) •Kilometers per hour (km/h or kph) •Kilometers per minure (km/min) •Meters per minute (m/min) • Metersper second (m/s) Power ConverterSupported power units: • Watt •Kilowatt • Horsepower (electric)hp(E) • Horsepower (metric) hp(M)• Foot-Pounds per hour (ft-lbf/h)• Foot-Pounds per minute(ft-lbf/min) • Foot-Pounds per second(ft-lbf/s) • Btu per minute(Btu/min) • Erg per second (Erg/s)Pressure Converter Supportedpressure units: • Atmosphere • Millibar• Bar • Pascal •Hectopascal • Kilopascal • Pounds per square inch(PSI) • Poundsper square foot (PSF) • Kilograms per square meterkgf/m² • Inchesof mercury (inHg) • Millimeters of mercury (mmHg) •Torr EnergyConverter Supported energy units: • Joule • Kilojoule •Calorie •Kilocalorie • Watt hour • Kilowatt hour • Electronvolt •Britishthermal unit (BTU) • Therm (US) • Foot pound FabricConverter Youcan easily convert: - Grams per Square Meter (g/m2) toOunces perSquare Yard (oz/yd2). - Ounces per Square Yard (oz/yd2)to Gramsper Square Meter (g/m2). Fuel consumption converterSupportedunits: Kilometers per liter (km/L) Liters per 100kilometers (L/100km) Miles per gallon (US) (US MPG) Miles pergallon (UK) (UK MPG)"Flip" button to easily switch between the"from" and "to" units.Supports fractions. Results are shown in thedecimal and fractionalforms. App's Settings: - Rounding tospecified number of decimalplaces: for decimal numbers, you canselect the number of decimalplaces you want to display. By default,the app displays 2 decimalplaces. To round results to the nearestwhole number, select 0decimal places. - For fractions, you canselect rounding to thenearest 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/32,1/64, 1/128, 1/256. Bydefault, the app rounds fractions to thenearest 1/32. If you donot need to round fractions, just select"-". Sends results andhistory via email. Conversion history.
TDEE + BMR + BMI Calculator
TDEE + BMR + BMI Calculator • TDEE Calculator - Learn HowManyCalories You Burn Every Day! Calculate your Total DailyEnergyExpenditure (TDEE), the number of calories you burn per day.• BMRCalculator - Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate • BMI Calculator-Calculate your body mass index and healthy weight • TDEECalculatorFind out your TDEE to plan your nutrition and fitnessgoals! TDEECalculator helps you estimate your TDEE based on youractivitylevel, height, weight, age, and gender. TDEE Calculator canbe usedto both women and men. If you are not sure how active youare, usethese guidelines below. Choose your daily activity level:-Sedentary (office job) : little or no exercise. - Lightexercise:exercising 1-3 days/week. - Moderate exercise: exercising3-5days/week. - Heavy exercise : exercising 6-7 days/week. -Veryheavy exercise: daily exercise and physical job, athlete (twiceperday). The calculations are based on the newer Mifflin-St.Jeorequation, the Harris–Benedict equation revised by Mifflin andStJeor in 1990). • BMR Calculator Calculate your BasalMetabolicRate. You can easily calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate -theamount of energy (number of calories) expended while at rest.BMRCalculator helps you estimate of your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR)based on your height, weight, age, and gender. BMRCalculatorcalculates your BMR using the newer Mifflin-St. Jeorequation (theHarris–Benedict equations revised by Mifflin and StJeor in 1990).BMR Calculator applies to both women and men. • BMICalculatorCalculate your body mass index and healthy weight! BMICalculatorapplies to both women and men (20 years old and older).BMICalculator calculates BMI based on your height and weight andshowsthe corresponding weight category. BMI Calculator showsnormal(healthy) weight for your height. You can also calculate aweightby entering height and target BMI. Features: - You can inputyourweight and height using standard or metric measures. - Youcanselect the number of decimal places you want to display. -Keepscalculation history. - Send your results via email. - Supportsbothportrait and landscape orientation.
Units Master 2.2.2
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Unit Conversion Calculator
Fuel cost calculator
The fuel cost calculator can help you figure out how much fuelyouneed for your trip and how much it will cost. Enter thedistance(in miles or kilometers), the average fuel consumption foryourvehicle (in MPG US, MPG UK, km/L or L/100 km) and the price offueland the calculator will show you how much fuel your vehicleispredicted to consume (Fuel Total) and how much a trip willcost(Total Cost). You can optionally add the number of passengersandthe calculator will calculate you the cost of your tripperpassenger. The app does calculations in imperial (MPG US or MPGUK)and metric (km/L or L/100 km)) units. You can round results tothespecified number of decimal places. By default, the app displays2decimal places. To round results to the nearest wholenumber,select 0 decimal places. The fuel calculator keepscalculationhistory so you can easily view and compare yourrecentcalculations. Sends results and history via email.
Equation Solver
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Calculator for solving linear, quadratic, cubic and quarticequations
GCD and LCM calculator
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Calculating the Greatest Common Divisor and the Least CommonMultiple
Prime Factor Calculator
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Prime Factor Calculator - prime factorization, GCF and LCM
Random Number Generator
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Random Number Generator can generate random numbers based on yourpreferences.
Roman Numerals Pro
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Converts Arabic numbers from 1 to 3,999,999 to Roman numerals andvice versa.
Fraction Calculator 4in1
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Fraction Calculator 4in1: calculate, convert, simplify and comparefractions
Calories Burned Running
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Calories burned by running - calculator.
Calculator with parentheses
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Calculator performs calculations with nested parentheses.
Percentage Calculator
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Percentages + VAT + Discounts
Unit Price Calculator
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Calculator calculates unit price, shows the best offer and how muchyou can save
Trigonometry Master
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Triangle Calculator
Currency converter
Intemodino Group s.r.o.
A handy app to convert between different currencies.